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Partnership for One Health  |  Delaware Veterinarian Reporting Data

This section contains information regarding tickborne diseases affecting animals and pets. 

From the CDC:

"One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach—working at the local, regional, national, and global levels—with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes by recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.” CDC Office for One Health


At the 2024 Lyme Aware Delaware Conference:

One Health, and Reporting Lyme & Tickborne Disease in Delaware - Speaker Remarks

Douglas Riley, DVM, Delaware State Public Health Veterinarian, U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel (Retired)

PDF: Why is One Health Important?  (information sheet)

PDF: Notifiable Disease Report  (fillable PDF form, Delaware Office of Infectious Disease Epidemiology)


Partnership for One Health

Delaware Veterinarian Reporting Data

The IDEXX Database

IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.

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