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About Lyme and Other Tickborne Diseases - Education for Delaware Healthcare Professionals | Lyme Disease Education


Our History

In 2014, Delaware state legislators formed a bi-partisan state Lyme Disease Prevention Task Force because of the high incidence of Lyme Disease and the potential for long-term illness it creates for Delawareans. 


The Task Force, consisting of legislators, healthcare professionals, community members, and individuals with Lyme disease created a final report with seven recommendations to prevent, raise awareness, improve treatment, and improve insurance coverage for Lyme and other tickborne diseases.  


Two recommendations have been implemented so far. One recommendation established DNREC’s Tick Program and another created the Lyme Disease Education Oversight Board (LDEOB). The 11 members of LDEOB are appointed by Delaware’s Governor, President Pro Tempore, Speaker of the House, and the Director of the Delaware Division of Public Health. 


The LDEOB is tasked by law to educate Delaware medical providers about Lyme Disease and other tickborne diseases by providing balanced, quality, professional information reflecting CDC philosophy, ILADS guidelines, and up-to-date research.

Delaware Lyme & Other Tickborne Disease–Related Legislation 

House Bill 404 (as amended by House Amendment 1)

Creates a Lyme Disease intervention fund with the goal of reducing the significant spread and impact of Lyme Disease and other tick-borne illnesses in Delaware

10/23/24, signed

Senate Concurrent Resolution 160

May 2024 - "Lyme Disease Awareness Month"

5/23/2024, passed

Senate Concurrent Resolution 58

May 2023 - "Lyme Disease Awareness Month"

5/18/2023, passed


House Bill 71 (as amended by House Amendment 1)

This bill clarifies that the goal and function of the Lyme Disease Education Oversight Board includes Lyme Disease “and other tickborne diseases,” and extends the Board’s existence until 2032

4/12/2023, signed


House Bill 425 (as amended by House Amendment 3)

Adds 2 members to the Lyme Disease Education Oversight Board

10/21/2022, signed


Senate Concurrent Resolution 99

May 2022 - "Lyme Disease Awareness Month" 

5/5/2022, passed


Senate Bill 15 (as amended by Senate Amendment 1)

Labs must provide a notice to patients explaining limits of Lyme disease blood tests 

8/21/2019, signed


House Bill 309

Removes SB15 sunset provision

8/4/2022, signed


Senate Concurrent Resolution 43

May 19-25, 2019 - "Lyme Disease Awareness Week"

5/16/2019, passed


Senate Bill 249

Requires labs to provide a notice to patients that explains the limits of Lyme disease blood tests 

6/13/2018, assigned to Senate Health, Children & Social Services Committee


House Concurrent Resolution 24

May 2017 - “Lyme Disease Awareness Month”

5/9/2017, passed


House Bill 290 (as amended by House Amendment 1)

Tasks DNREC to address tick mitigation

8/29/2016, signed


House Bill 291 (as amended by House Amendment 1, House Amendment 2, and Senate Amendment 2)

Creates the Lyme Disease Education Oversight Board 

8/29/2016, signed


House Concurrent Resolution 79

May 2016 - “Lyme Disease Awareness Month”

5/17/2016, passed


[Lyme Disease Prevention Task Force Report - June 1, 2015 (PDF)]   


House Concurrent Resolution 24

May 2015 - “Lyme Disease Awareness Month”

4/28/2015, passed


Senate Joint Resolution 10

Establishes the Delaware Lyme Disease Prevention Task Force

7/21/2014, passed


House Concurrent Resolution 52

May 2014 - "Lyme Disease Awareness Month"

5/7/2014, passed


House Concurrent Resolution 34

July 2013 - “Lyme Disease Awareness Month”

1/16/2014, passed


Senate Concurrent Resolution 8

May - “Lyme Disease Awareness Month” in Delaware

4/25/2007, passed


Senate Concurrent Resolution 40

Creates the Delaware Lyme Disease Prevention Task Force 

6/16/2004, passed

Terms of Service

The information obtained on Delaware’s Lyme Disease Education Oversight Board website is provided for informational purposes only. The website is not intended to offer medical advice. The information provided is not a substitute for the professional judgment of a qualified healthcare provider.

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